Thursday, September 29, 2005

a small rant to go along with the poem. the drug of choice around here, is heroin. god, you'd think people would have wised up by now. there are so many young people here, in rehab or sadly, NOT in rehab. get real, HEROIN? god, we figured out fairly quick back in the 60's that it was really bad news. i had a relative die a few years back. he was older, a product of the 60's, partied his whole life away and even he didn't mess with heroin til the last few years of his life, when the drugs had pretty much eaten him alive. he said heroin was cheaper, imagine THAT, a cost conscious junkie, too bad he couldn't clip coupons for it!!!! one bright spot about having him in the family, watching him destroy his life and hurt family and abuse or kill friendships, seeing him waste away into a gollum like figure, it kept the young kids in the family away from drugs. they avoided them and him. his loss, they're good kids. too bad he didn't learn by THEIR example!

1 comment:

Berko Wills said...

Yes, the majority of inner city denizens in the eighties took drugs of various kinds and steered well clear of heroin.

It's an odd choice of narcotic. I always think of that article criticising the Japanese for 'having' to eat whale meat. There's a thousand other beasts whose flesh you can eat. Leave the whale alone.

Heroin is like whalemeat