Friday, February 24, 2006

an update on the mighty, mighty bob.(taking a break here from laundry, still recuperating from that bout of the creeping miseries)

he is growing so fast and his mask and markings are getting darker and his fur, less of that fluffy kitten snowball look and more adult like. he's 4 months now and into everything, mostly at night about every 4 hours straight through til 7 a.m! those kitty crazies, leaping and pouncing and scrambling through the place, under the bed one moment and attacking( no claws) my head or knees or feet or trying to steal the remote for the tv(he has a thing about stealing remotes!)he comes when called and loves to shred the morning paper while i'm trying to read it and sneak sips of my coffee(i caught him trying more than once, wonder what he'd do if he got to drink some? oh lordy a caffeined kitty!!!) so, that's about it. i'd say he's settled right in.

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