Saturday, June 24, 2006

bow wow

i always knew
you loved your dogs more
than you ever loved me
that their fur was softer
to the touch than mine
their devotion more readily
seen and love returned.
in point of fact
eagerly given
rolling over on their backs
submissively offering up bellies
legs spread wide for a rub.
you often pointed this out with
a laugh that really wasn't.
i always knew
how could i not?
you cried when one or the other
came down with some canine problem
paid the vet bills without complaint
yet left me to fend for myself
in stitches with a laugh
that wasn't.


QUASAR9 said...

Well dogs can be less demanding, and expect nothing in return. They do not hold rancour or growl if one not return.
Alas the nature of man or woman, that we expect others to be what they are not, and want others to be like they are not.
To mould in our 'own' image, rather than accept their imperfections, as we ourselves expect to be accepted.

Deep poem flowing with emotion!
Have a nice day Sherry. Laters ... Q

QUASAR9 said...

PS - I noticed after the bridge comes out on google search, and my comments are RSS fed. So best be careful what I say. lol!

Same with Blue Gal, so I have to watch which headers/posts I visit or rather comment on. Laters ... Q

Jonathan Barnes said...

Nice piece!

Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi q, i'm happy that you like the piece. it is one that lets each reader bring their own meanings because it is open enough to let each person read thru their own experiences and temperments. i like poems that don't force a reader into the writer's conculsions or decisions.

and yes, if you google my name or my blog's name or your name you'd be surprised what you find. i can find me on yahoo, or any search engine and under many catagories. i use my name for copyright reasons and besides, so far, this is still america and i feel i have the right to expess my opinion on the political side no matter who is reading. yes, i'm sure it upsets some, but i try to be fair and if that doesn't suit...!

hiya jonathan! hope all is well with you. i'm really pleased that you liked the poem. i take all comments seriously and keep them in mind always. feedback, as you understand, i know, is important to most writers. it's funny tho, trying to get people to comment on poetry especially, if they are not poets can be hard.
they don't feel somehow qualified and i keep trying to explain that i write for everyone and i need and enjoy all comments. the good and the bad. have a great day! : )