Friday, July 28, 2006

blueberries blueberries, BLUEBERRIES!!!!

when to a farm out in butler to get some corn
(15 doz. ) for the club picnic. while we were there
i got some peppers and tomatoes and basil and a cantaloupe
some garlic and BLUEBERRIES!!!!!

they had peaches, but they were rather expensive so i wouldn't
have had enough to make a pie or a cobbler.

so i've made half a dozen trips to the fridge to grab
a few berries to pop into my mouth!

i had a sandwich of fresh tomato slices and fresh basil
with kosher salt and butter on white bread for lunch.

there's not much better! s


Sherry Pasquarello said...

hi amy! yes, i love tomato sandwiches in the summer. sometimes i'll have one for dinner with a salad. i know a few people that do, so you're not alone.

hope you come back and read some of my work, maybe comment on a few poems. i really do use the feedback i get. thanks, sherry

QUASAR9 said...

Hey Yum Yum!

QUASAR9 said...

kosher salt & butter

QUASAR9 said...

So what's kosher for a buddhist

QUASAR9 said...

So you not vegan buddhist
Guess you must be one of krsna's dancing girls ... he likes butter like bees like honey. lol!

Sherry Pasquarello said...

ho, ho, i'm not buddhist, i'm eclectic. i have buddhist friends tho.i'll ask! : )