Saturday, January 30, 2010

Is Pam Tebow A Liar? Abortions Were Illegal In The Philippines When Her Doctor Supposedly Urged Her To Get One | Crooks and Liars

Is Pam Tebow A Liar? Abortions Were Illegal In The Philippines When Her Doctor Supposedly Urged Her To Get One | Crooks and Liars

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Abortion is not illegal in the case of the mother's life in danger. And where it is illegal in other cases, the law is not enforced and prosecution is rare. And abortion is very common in that country, and 21 percent of those are done by doctors out of the hundreds of thousands of them done a year.

So the crooks and liars in this case are not the Tebows, but the crooks and liars as well as Allred, etc.:

See UN report:


Grounds on which abortion is permitted:

To save the life of the woman Yes

To preserve physical health No

To preserve mental health No

Rape or incest No

Foetal impairment No

Economic or social reasons No

Although the Penal Code does not list specific exceptions to the general prohibition on abortion, under the general criminal law principles of necessity as set forth in article 11(4) of the Code, an abortion may be legally performed to save the pregnant woman’s life.

In addition to these provisions, the Constitution of 1987 provides that the State “shall equally protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception”. This provision reinforces the provision contained in a Presidential Decree of 1975 establishing the Child and Youth Welfare Code, which stipulates that a child has the dignity and worth of a human being from the moment of conception and has the right to be born well.

Despite the severity of the law, abortion appears to be widely practised in the Philippines as a means of birth control and is rarely prosecuted.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation reports estimates ranging from 155,000 to 750,000 induced abortions per year. However, illegal abortion is performed in a climate of fear and shame resulting from strong cultural, religious and legal prohibitions. Surveys indicate that women resorting to abortion are often from economically disadvantaged groups and take this step because they are unable to provide for another child. Surveys also indicate a high incidence of repeat abortion. In a context of poor health conditions and widespread malnutrition, and where some 76 per cent of deliveries occur at home and only 21 per cent are attended by a physician, induced abortions are poorly performed and result in high maternal mortality and morbidity. The maternal mortality ratio was estimated at 280 deaths per 100,000 live births in 1990. Hospital surveys have found that about one third of maternal deaths occurring in hospitals can be attributed to induced abortion.