Saturday, May 19, 2018

Trump Has Done Huge Damage to the American Republic. Can It Be Fixed?

Trump Has Done Huge Damage to the American Republic. Can It Be Fixed?

Can the Republic Recover from Donald Trump?

There will be a lot of pieces to put back together, all at once, when he is gone.

(Permanent Musical Accompaniment To The Last Post Of The Week From The Blog's Favourite Living Canadian)

On Monday, at the Center For American Progress's annual Ideas hootenanny, Sally Yates made a point that has stayed with me all week as the deep, underground web of corruption in this administration* expanded to almost every point of the political compass. It is almost impossible to keep track these days. It's almost impossible to keep from tangling the various strands of it: Michael Cohen's alleged dealings with the Qataris, Jared Kushner's alleged dealings with the Qataris, Michael Cohen's alleged dealings with Stormy Daniels, Paul Manafort's alleged dealings with various Volga Bagmen, and who knows what all else is under there.

Anyway, Yates asked the assembled: What is going to happen when this administration is finally, blessedly over? It is a very good question and there is no very good answer to it. Nobody knows how many people, if any, are going to be convicted when all this shakes out, let alone how many of them actually might go to jail. Can we recover from the common high-end venality while simultaneously putting the political norms back in place? Can we reform the global damage done to American credibility while simultaneously getting back to sensible financial and environmental regulations? Is it possible to get the country back to normal on 10 levels at once?

I am not as optimistic as I once was.

Getty Images

First, a lot of the damage has been done through the enactment of policies that conservative Republicans have been slavering for over the past 50 years. They are one aging heartbeat away from finally having a solid majority on the Supreme Court, and the president* has been salting young Federalist Society bots throughout the federal judicial system. Further, before there ever was a President* Trump, Mitch McConnell demonstrated that Democratic presidents were not entitled to fill Supreme Court vacancies that occur on their watch. Under the glare of all the nonsense, conservative Republicans have achieved a lot of what they've been trying to do since Ronald Reagan stepped onto the Capitol rostrum in 1981.

Second, and as important, if this president* leaves office at any point prior to the end of his second term, I fear that the reaction among his supporters is liable to be loud and violent. They're already primed, by the president* and by his pet media, to believe almost anything as long as it demonstrated that They, The Deep State are conducting a slow-motion coup. (The latest fever dream is that the Obama administration planted an FBI mole in the Trump campaign so as to throw the election to Hillary Rodham Clinton. That's only been flying around for a couple weeks and I guarantee you that it's already set in concrete out there.) The president* is not likely to sprout a conscience any time soon. There is no way that this can end well.

This is serious business, and the time to start thinking about it is now. It's possible that this administration* will collapse all at once. It is also possible that we'll be reading early morning tweets well into 2024. The elevation of Donald Trump caught the institutions of government by surprise. That's bad enough. It's important that the end of him does not do the same thing.

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Outside of mocking the Intellectual Dark Web for the Stan Lee pretension of its name, I've pretty much stayed away from that whole Internet hooley. But, holy mother of god, this profile of Jordan Peterson in The New York Times is, as the kidz say, lit. In fact, Peterson comes off as the patron saint of sampling one's own product.

Mr. Peterson's home is a carefully curated house of horror. He has filled it with a sprawl of art that covers the walls from floor to ceiling. Most of it is communist propaganda from the Soviet Union (execution scenes, soldiers looking noble) — a constant reminder, he says, of atrocities and oppression. He wants to feel their imprisonment, though he lives here on a quiet residential street in Toronto and is quite free.

Take Peterson out of his current celebrity cocoon and make him a shopkeeper in Bugtussle, and mothers are telling their children to cross the street rather than pass his house. He's Boo Radley, except for real.

Jordan Peterson

(Of course, the Intellectual Dark Web takes care of its own; here's another charter member, leaping to Peterson's defense and falling into the orchestra pit. Jungian archetypes!)

The left, he believes, refuses to admit that men might be in charge because they are better at it. "The people who hold that our culture is an oppressive patriarchy, they don't want to admit that the current hierarchy might be predicated on competence," he said. Mr. Peterson illustrates his arguments with copious references to ancient myths — bringing up stories of witches, biblical allegories and ancient traditions. I ask why these old stories should guide us today.

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"It makes sense that a witch lives in a swamp. Yeah," he says. "Why?" It's a hard one.
"Right. That's right. You don't know. It's because those things hang together at a very deep level. Right. Yeah. And it makes sense that an old king lives in a desiccated tower." But witches don't exist, and they don't live in swamps, I say. "Yeah, they do. They do exist. They just don't exist the way you think they exist. They certainly exist. You may say well dragons don't exist. It's, like, yes they do — the category predator and the category dragon are the same category. It absolutely exists. It's a superordinate category. It exists absolutely more than anything else. In fact, it really exists. What exists is not obvious. You say, 'Well, there's no such thing as witches.' Yeah, I know what you mean, but that isn't what you think when you go see a movie about them. You can't help but fall into these categories. There's no escape from them."

It is for this kind of dialogue for which the bong was invented, and the phrase, "Like, wow, man," was coined. Actually, it reminds me most of the intricate thoughts about the universe entertained by…The Most Awesome Man On Television.

This, from The Washington Post, does not make me feel secure.

Mountrail County Sheriff Ken Halverson announced last week that a container of ammunition for an automatic grenade launcher fell off a Humvee on May 1 near Parshall in the northwest part of the state. The search ended over the weekend after Minot Air Force Base personnel exhausted efforts to find the missing ammunition, spokeswoman Danielle Lucero told the Bismarck Tribune . The ammunition is safe as long as the container is intact, according to the Air Force. Halverson said the ammunition won't operate in another device without "catastrophic failure." But people should evacuate and call first responders if the ammunition is located and found damaged.

The ammunition for the grenade launcher, by the way, belonged to the people tasked with keeping out nuclear missiles secure. "Falling off the truck" is an acceptable excuse for bootleg CDs and knock-off handbags. I don't want to see grenades for sale on a card table in midtown Manhattan, next to the umbrellas and caricatures of Al Pacino.

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Weekly WWOZ Pick To Click: "Misty Mountain Hop" (The Tin Men): Yeah, I pretty much still love New Orleans.

Weekly Visit To The Pathe Archives: In anticipation of the tsunami of Anglophone tripe soon to wash over us, here's the 1922 wedding of Princess Mary to Viscount Henry Lascelles. Princess Mary declined to attend Elizabeth's wedding because Edward and Wallis were not invited. Her son's memoir was titled The Tongs and the Bones. No, I don't know what that's about. Nice film though. Very brief. And no sound! That would be a blessing on Saturday. History is so cool.

If you don't think there is a general wildness unleashed in this land, consider that both the guy who shot up the Mar-a-Lago lobby and the guy who murdered 10 people at a Texas high school were both Nazi-semi-curious guys with guns. Also consider that both of these events happened on the same day. This is not normal.

Is it a good day for dinosaur news, LiveScience? It's always a good day for dinosaur news!

Have you ever wondered how momma dinosaurs sat on their eggs without crushing the poor little spalpeens? Of course, you have.

These small-to-humongous dinosaurs, known as oviraptorosaurs, laid their oval eggs in a doughnut-like circle, and these nests had different shapes depending on the size of the dinosaur. Smaller oviraptorosaurs either had no doughnut hole or a small one where they could sit with their eggs around them, while larger oviraptorosaurs created nests with big holes in the center where the dinosaurs could plop down without squashing the eggs located in a circle around them, a new study finds.
Oviraptorosaurs were bizarre-looking dinosaurs. They had parrot-like heads and toothless beaks, and some sported head crests, much like modern cassowary birds do. These dinosaurs ranged in size from a few dozen pounds (Nomingia, for instance, weighed about 80 lbs., or 37 kilograms) to a few thousand pounds (Gigantoraptor weighed up to 4,400 lbs., or 2,000 kg).

And their mommas took good care of them, because, like all dinosaurs, oviraptorosaurs lived then to make us happy now.

Because The Committee knows its audience, it knew that this week's Top Commenter would come from the post about the Colorado wingnut lady who was allegedly turning big bucks on a very weird conspiracy theory about how we all have secret money in accounts opened for us at birth. Top Commenter Stephen Beard came through with bells on.

I'm starting a letter-writing campaign (I'm an old-fashioned kind of guy, okay?) to get me some of that Treasury money and live up to my increasing reputation as a grifter of the first order. Besides, I could use the cash.

You are hereby awarded 82.19 Beckhams for your demonstration of good old American entrepreneurship, good sir.

I'll be back on Monday with whatever scams become obvious over the weekend. Be nice and play well, ya bastids. Stay above the snakeline, or I'm telling Megan Markle's father on you.

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